Sunday, September 2, 2007

#45 -- Ashley and Mike Hurtgen -- Centennial, CO

May God wrap you in his arms,
And hold you very tight ......
And let the angels bring the kisses
That I send to you each night.
Hope you have a lifetime full of kisses.

#44 -- Burge Family -- Brandon, MS

Precious and beloved child, May you know God's limitless love
for you and relish His great plans for your life.
Celebrating your life this day in our hearts.

#43 -- Brian and Melody Jones -- Lexington,KY

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.
Live the life you have imagined.
-- Henry David Thoreau

#42 -- Ashley and Mike Hurtgen -- Centennial, CO

You can't stay in your corner of the forrest

waiting for others to come to you.

You have to go to them sometimes.

-- Winnie the Pooh

We wish you joy and peace on your journey.

#41 -- Robin and Paul Sweeney--Petersburg, VA

Celebrate the happiness that friends are always giving,
Make every day a holiday and celebrate just living.

#40 -- Symonies Family -- Archbald, PA

Hurt no living thing:
Ladybird, nor butterfly,
Nor moth with dusty wing,
Nor cricket chirping cheerily,
Nor grasshopper so light of leap,
Nor dancing gnat, nor beetle fat,
Nor harmless worms that creep.
--Christina Rosetti

#39 -- Dawn Wolford -- Little Rock, AR

I wish you inner peace when there is turmoil.
Stillness when there is joy.
Generosity to fill your heart.
Curiosity to fill your mind.
Strength to know yourself, and
Uncoditional love for yourself.

#38 -- Jenny and Ken Henrikson

Little One,
May you see the beauty in nature.
May you love and be loved endlessly.
May you discover wisdom in those around you.
May the world truly see you and be blessed by you.

#37 -- Omaw and Poppy (my parents)

This is our wish for you, Baby Girl

We wish you enough !!!
Enough good health for a lifetime.
Enough love to tie you to your family and God always.
Enough happiness to make you laugh forever.
Enough love for the Lord to guide you in His light for a lifetime.
Enough friends that you will always have someone
to laugh and cry and talk with whenever you wish.
Remeber Poppy and Omaw will have enough love for you
to carry you thru.
You can always talk to us about anything
and we will try our best to help you. (and not tell mom!!!)

#36 -- Kelly and Mike Wilson -- Atlantic Beach, FL

"The journey is the rewoard." -- Chinese Proverb
May your journey lead you forward
to dreams fulfilled,
goals reached, and joys discovered.

#35 -- Stacey Williams -- Harrison, AR

The two greatest gifts I ever received
were my two adopted sons...I know
that you, Mari-Grace, will be your mom's
greatest gifts!!!!
May God bless your family as he has mine!!

#34 -- Dawn Roaf -- North Little Rock, AR

M uch love is sent your way
A lways know your mom is a gift
R emeber God
I nclude those who can't
G ive of yourself
R emain true to yourself
A prayer always helps
C onsider your life a true blessing
E veryone is praying for you.

#33 -- Symonies Family -- Archbald, PA

"Good luck befriend thee,
for at thy birth
the fairy ladies
danced upon the earth."
(John Milton)

#32 -- Omaw and Poppy (my parents)

Our angel sent from Heaven above.
Sent to us from God, specially to love.
We wish you love, joy, health and happiness
And to always be close to us.
We wish you faith in God.
We wish you good health.
We wish you love for all others.
And we wish you wealth.
We wish you love from your
new country and my life always
be good to you.

#31 -- Sharon Gorgas -- N Little Rock, AR

May you one day have a child
that brings you as much joy and happiness
as you will bring your mother.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

#30 -- Brandt, Erica, and Zachary Dick -- Natchez, MS

Our wish for you is that you always know how much you are loved.

Live life to the fullest, dare to dream, be aware of wonder, laugh, love, and give

of yourself to others for "The most precious gift we can offer others is our presence.

When mindfulness embraces those we love, they will bloom like the flowers."

(quote taken from Thich Nhat Han)

#29 -- Sharon Pierce, Sherwood, AR


My wish for you is to have a blessed life.

Please know that you are loved and cherished.

I hope all your dreams come true.

I wish you good health and much happiness.

May God always keep you safe.

#28 -- April and Sean, Charlotte, N Carolina


Our family's like a patchwork quilt,

with kindness gently sewn.

Each piece is an original,

with beauty of it's own.

With threads of warmth and happiness,

It's tightly stiched together.

To last in love throughout the years,

Our family is FOREVER.

(author unknown)

"May you be safe and warm, forever wrapped in your family's embrace

#27 -- Lynne, Domenico, & Mai-Lin -- Sunbury, Australia

A is for Angel, Sent from above

B is for Baby, smothered with love,

C is for cute, as cute as can be

D is for diapers and changing them for me

E is for everything baby and more

F is for Father, walking the floor

G is for glad you are finally here

H is for hiccups that are funny and dear

I is for icky sticky messing

J is for Jesus and His blessing

K is for kisses and kindness and keep

L is for love, so wide and deep

M is for Momma and her loving arms

N is for Never coming to harm

O is for oat cereal and later cherrios

P is for precious little fingers and toes

Q is for quiet, baby is sleeping

R is for relatives, always come peeping

S is for sleep, but not for your folks

T is for tub and all the long soaks

U is for unconditional as in love from your parents

V is for very active as you will soon merit

W is for wakeful, watchful, and wise

X is for the xtra special light you brought to their eyes

Y is for you -- who is as bright as the sun

Z is for zest of living that you gave them little one.


Thursday, August 16, 2007

#26 -- Shirley Reed -- N Little Rock, AR

"Dear Mari-Grace,

I have been anxious to meet you for some time! Your mother and your grandparents are so very excited, and I am so happy about your coming!

I have known your mother since she was a little girl. I think it was God's will for the 2 of you to be mom and daughter. I know your life will be rich and full and it is my prayer that you will be happy and learn all the things your mom will teach you about God's love. You are very special Miss Mari-Grace, and I love you already."

#25 -- Jose and Marisa -- Spain

"Cheers! Within a small amount of time a child will arrive in our lifes,

and will fill us with so much love that it will fill each corner of the house.

I wish for you that the bells will ring out with enthusiasm.

Look into the deepest part of your heart and know that this dream is about

to come true.

We will be filled, with the joy, and love, for this gift that God is going to give us."

( The original wish is written in Spanish. My friend, Melanie translated for me.)

#24 -- Jason and Claudette Cox, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

"Our wish for your child, to always feel love, to grow with wisdom, to know the beauty of her soul."

#23 -- Pat Wofford, N Little Rock, AR

"Dear little one,

I wish two things,
To give you roots,
To give you wings."

#22 -- Pat Spann -- Sherwood, AR

"Hello Mari-Grace

I am so excited to meet you soon and hopefully get to give you a hug !!!!

I know you will love your home and living with your American mother, Kammy.

You are blessed to haver her because she is such a loving, kind, and caring lady.

I hope your life will be filled with love, joy, and fun. May you feel God's blessings

thoughout your life too."

#21 -- Jill and Mike -- Rochester, NY

" It matters not what road we take, but rather what we become on the journey."
(Chinese fortune cookie)

May your gourney be filled with happiness.

#19 -- the Smith family -- Portland, Oregon

"May your first steps be the beginning of a long and wonderful journey."

#18 -- Sequoia Hepner -- Tucson, AZ (age 8)

# Life the life you have imagined."

#17 -- Susan and Larry Zinn -- San Antonio, TX

" Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact." (William James)

#16 -- Beuron and Clarine Esch -- N Little Rock, AR

"Dear Mari-Grace,
We welcome you to our country. You have a wonderful mother, and we know you will be very happy. Love and best wishes."

#15 -- the Hepner Family -- Tucson, AZ

"Happiness resides not in possessions and not in gold; the feeling of happiness dwells in the soul." (Democritus)

#14 -- the Karpiuk Family -- Surrey, British Columbia, Canada

"Not flesh of my flesh
Nor bone of my bone,
But still miraculously my own.
Never forget for a single minute,
You didn't grow under my heart,
But in it" (anon)

May you always know the deep love and affection
of your family, your first and forever "Fans".

#13 -- Beryl and Harry Branch -- Sherwood, AR

"Best wishes and blessings to a very special little girl and her mom"

#12 -- the Perry Family -- Chula Vista, CA

"Dear little one, in your life, we hope you always have faith !!!!
(Now faith is being sure of whate we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1)"

#11 -- Janelle and Edmund Ryan -- Silver Spring, MD

"Be glad of life because it gives you the chance to love and to work and to play and to
look up at the stars." (Henry Van Dyke)

#10 -- Larry and Eva Flynn -- Carlisle, AR


Have faith, hope, and charity. Thats the way to live successfully.
How do I know? The Bible tells me so.

#9 -- Darral, Vicki, Tyler, and Anna Paradis -- Carlisle, AR


Place your trust in the lord.

#8 -- The Bethards Family -- Benton, AR

"May the best day of your past be the worst day of your future."

#7 -- Bobby, Lisa, Samantha, and Jonathon Paradis -- Mayflower, AR

"Mari-Grace ... may your heart be full fo love and Laughter."

#6 -- The Bethards Family -- Benton, AR

"May your pockets be heavy and your heart be light. May good luck pursue you each morning and night."

Suzy took the time to embroider Mari-Grace's name on each square.
The Bethards Family returned from China on 8/17/07, with their daughter Lydia.

#5 -- Pheba Paradis -- N Little Rock, AR

"Mari-Grace ... I wish you lots of love, joy, and happiness in your sweet life."

Aunt Pheba ( a long time family friend)

#4 -- Lozaraitis Family -- Falmouth, ME

"May you grow to know the hope, love, and faith born

in the heart and made reay by your blessed birth."

#3 -- the Hooten Family -- Elmendorf AFB, Alaska

" Mari-Grace

We picked the USA fabric because it represents our lives in the Air Force ... defending freedom.
We rejoice that you will have the opportunity to embrace freedom in your new life here with your new family. Our main prayer is for is, as you grow, that you will choose to be free in Jesus and accept him as your savior. That is the greatest freedom of all!!!!
Know that we already love you."

Terry, Stuffy, Bryan and Kayla Hooten
(my cousins)

#2 -- Terri Hippensteel, Morrilton, AR


We hope your blanket of love keeps you warm on stormy, sick nights, or beautiful spring days when you are cuddling with momma. You have a great one! My mom made this blanket for my babies, they are now 7&1/2 and 8&1/2. Love, the Hippensteels"

I couldn't bring myself to cut this blanket to make a square, so I put the entire blanket up to use as a cuddle blankie.

Terri has been a good friend since my college days at UCA.

#1 -- Mike and Felicity LaRosa, Melbourne Beach, FL

" Enjoy Life! It isn't a dress rehearsal"

Middle Square #4 -- Me

"The last square represents me ... your Momma.
My wish for you is that you will grow into a beautiful, confident young woman. I pray that you will understand your Chinese roots, and that I will never fail to encourage you to explore your heritage.
My wish is for you to have a lifetime of dreams come true. A lifetime full of love, support, happiness, and good health.
I also pray that you will love God, and your family, and friends ... and that you will remain faithful in all of your relationships.
I pray that I am the kind of mother that you will respect and love, and like to be around. I am not perfect, and I will make mistakes, but I pray taht even thru the rough times, you will know that I love you, and NOTHING will change that.
I love you sweetheart, and always will."

Middle Square #3 -- Mari-Grace

"The next square represents YOU -- the beautiful child that God created to be my daughter. I want you to know that I waited for you with faith that God would unite me with you.

As I waited, I grew to love you deeply. My heart belonged to you long before I ever saw you. I waited to see your smile, to hear your laughter, to kiss your boo-boos, and to dry your tears. I was not disappointed, after all, God had the perfect plan all along -- He created you for me."

Middle Square #2 -- The Birth Parents

"This square represents your Birth-Parents. I prayed for a baby. I asked God to show me his plan, and he led me to international adoption...specificially to China. In the process, he created 2 very special people ... your birth mother and birth father.
Because I was not married, God needed a man and woman to create you. He chouse your birth-parents in China. You grew inside your birth-mother's tummy for 9 months. God helped to keep your birth-mother healthy, and helped you to grow strong. One day, God decided you were ready for the world, and you were born.
Your birht-parents must have been very sad because the could not choose to raise any children at that time. We don't know why. It could've been because of a complicated law in China that only allows 1 child per family. It could've been because they were very, very poor and simply could not afford to provide for any children.
We don't know why they couldn't take care of a child at that time, but we do know they had a wish for you ... they wanted you to live and grow strong, after all, you were given life.
Maybe God somehow reassured your birth-parents that he had a plan for you . . . that he had a home for you, with a mommy that loves you deeply, and could give you all the opportunities to grow healthy, strong, go to school, and to be protected."

The Middle Square .. #1 ... God

The first square represents God. God is our creator, and he sent his Son, Jesus Christ, as a living sacrifice to save us from our sins. Jesus and God should ALWAYS be at the center of your life.

God has written an entire book of wishes for your life -- THE BIBLE.
In the Bible, you will find God's plan for your life. Your life walk will be strengthened by your
faith in God.

You will also learn that God and Jesus will always be there for you. (Isaiah 41:13 & Phillipians 4:13).

Life presents changes, and sometimes, we don't understand what we need to do. God will never leave your side. He was with you before you were born, He is with you thru your life, and He'll be with you thru Eternity.

The Quilt ... The Design

I have 4 squares in the center of the quilt. One represents God, as the center of our lives. One square is to honor Mari-Grace's Birth Parents. One square is my wish for Mari-Grace, and the last square is a representation of Mari-Grace.

Around these 4 squares, I placed the squares received from my parents, my sister and brother-in-law, my niece and nephew. Following these squares where the squishes from extended family members, friends, and finally the squishes contributed by the yahoo group I am involved with.

The quilt squares are going to be sewn together with red thread, to incorporate the red thread poem.